lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

Dinner’s ready!

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Dinner's ready!

A couple of weeks ago we talked about a robot that helps with the household chores. Well in the news this week is a "smart" oven that cooks the perfect meal!

A company in San Francisco has created "June" – an intelligent oven that recognises the food you put in it and cooks it perfectly every time. So – will this mean that those of us who are less than a domestic goddess in the kitchen will be able to produce gourmet food?

The oven is countertop and is big enough to accommodate a roast. It has a five-inch touch screen display, a digital display and a glass door that does not get hot. Inside are carbon fibre heating elements and a wide-angle HD camera. These all combine with the machine's intelligence system and scales to detect the type of food in the oven and allow "June" to work out how long the food needs to cook.

At this point in time, "June" is an expert in steak, white fish, salmon, bacon and chicken as well as some bakery items. Over time, its range of goods will increase. The system comes with an App that keeps you posted on the progress of your food and let's you know when the food is almost done. The App can also be used as a remote control to adjust the oven temperature or to switch it off. It also supports live streaming (so you can watch your food cooking)!

So how much is this oven to buy? From Spring 2016 – around $3,000.

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EWN Gets it!
Malaga Institute of Technology


Calle Severo Ochoa, Parque Tecnologico, Campanillas 63, 29590 Malaga

Phone: 0034 952 020 281
Mobile: 0034 620 729 868

» More Info

At Malaga Institute of Technology (MIT), our goal is to not only teach students the skills needed for academic learning and expanding their knowledge, but also to help them find their own way to be happy and reach their full potential.

Through traditional teaching methods combined with the technology of the age, MIT aims to provide students with the tools to cope with the problems of both our professional and personal lives – tools such as respect for others, consideration, tolerance and cooperation.

Supported by the latest technology including wireless networks, remote tutoring and digital interactive whiteboards among others, MIT gives pupils a unique learning experience through an educational philosophy that is not only academically focused but also sociologically and philosophically. We offer facilities such as an outdoor classroom by the lake, a robotics laboratory, a Chinese culture school, a medical service and healthy school meals. Also, as part of our compulsory curriculum we offer horse riding (from three to five years old), Aikido and Yoga. Read more

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